Pneumonia Detection using CNN based classification model trained on chest x-ray scans of normal and people diagnosed with pneumonia. We trained a Convolutional Neural Network designed to process these x-ray images of the chest with pre-classified labels from the training set to replicate those results on the test set.
We trained on a dataset of:
We tested on a dataset of:
For more info on the data:
Images from both the classes
Visualizing the data
As you can clearly see the data is imbalanced. Training a model on this imbalanced data would result in naive behaviour where the model would be always favoring the pneumonia class and still produce a decent accuracy but such results would be useless. To avoid this overfitting, we will increase the number of training examples using data augmentation.
Layer (type) | Output Shape | Param |
conv2d-5 (Conv2D) | (150, 150, 32) | 320 |
max-pooling2d-5 (MaxPooling2 | (75, 75, 32) | 0 |
conv2d-6 (Conv2D) | (75, 75, 64) | 18496 |
max-pooling2d-6 (MaxPooling2 | (38, 38, 64) | 0 |
conv2d-7 (Conv2D) | (38, 38, 128) | 73856 |
max-pooling2d-7 (MaxPooling2 | (19, 19, 128) | 0 |
conv2d-8 (Conv2D) | (19, 19, 128) | 147584 |
max-pooling2d-8 (MaxPooling2 | (10, 10, 128) | 0 |
flatten-1 (Flatten) | (12800) | 0 |
dropout-4 (Dropout) | (12800) | 0 |
dense-2 (Dense) | (512) | 6554112 |
dense-3 (Dense) | (1) | 513 |
Total params: 6,794,881
Trainable params: 6,794,881
Non-trainable params: 0
On the test set, we achieved:
The model was converted into a TFLite model using the TFLiteConverter for deploying it to android Apps.